Rstudio has recently launched a community site and it seems to be providing a great forum already. One of the topics with over 60 contributions is Choosing between this sitre and StackOverflow for posting a question
As long threads tend to do, it went off at a bit of a tangent and following a comment I made, Edward Visel produced some code for reporting on recent posts on ’tidyverse which I have generalized into a shiny app - shown below.
Just enter some tags (or use the default) and press the button. A table should be returned almost immediately
Although the app has the code embedded, I thought it would be worthwhile to just go through it - for me to reference back to if nothing else
First load libraries
The Stack overflow API offers paramters such as tags, title text and time period. If you want more on who asked and answered questions you may be able to do some scraping - but I have not investigated that
I have included a numericInput with nominal values, a textInput field for tags and a dateRange; with an action button to call the data These inputs are sandwiched between a small amount of explanatory text
numericInput(inputId="obs", label="Observations:", value=50, min = 10, max = 100, step=10, width=100)
textInput(inputId="tags", label="Tags - separate with semi-colon", value="tidyverse", width = 300,
placeholder="You need to enter something e.g. python")
dateRangeInput(inputId="daterange", label="Date Range", start = Sys.Date()-7, end = Sys.Date(), min = NULL,
max = Sys.Date(), format = "yyyy-mm-dd", startview = "month", weekstart = 0,
language = "en", separator = " to ", width = NULL)
actionButton("button", "OK I'm Good")
This code is activated whenver the input button is pressed. If the tidyverse tag is included, all 20 packages included within it are searched for. The parameters are passed to the API with the dates coerced to unix epoch time, which is the number of seconds since midnight UTC January 1st, 1970.
query <- eventReactive(input$button,{
# split up the tidyverse packages
if(input$tags=="tidyverse") {
theTags <- paste(tidyverse_packages(), collapse = ';')
} else{
theTags <- input$tags
top_so <- function() {
response <- httr::GET('',
path = 'search',
query = list(
pagesize = input$obs,
fromdate = as.integer(lubridate::as_datetime(input$daterange[1])),
todate = as.integer(lubridate::as_datetime(input$daterange[2])),
order = 'desc',
sort = 'creation',
tagged = theTags,
site = 'stackoverflow'))
content <- httr::content(response)
content %>%
pluck('items') %>% # restrict processing to the 'items' list
map(~splice(.x[-2], set_names(.x$owner, ~paste0('owner_', .x)))) %>% # add an 'owner_' prefix to all names within the owner list
transpose() %>% #now all owner_reputations etc. are in a list
modify_depth(2, ~.x %||% NA_integer_) %>% # will change say nulls in owner_accept_rate to NA
simplify_all() %>% # collapses each list of vectors into one vector so that...
tibble::as_data_frame() #... a data frame can be produced
The returned object ‘content’ is a list of lists, including information on how much of the daily quota of calls to the API is available
What we are after is the ‘items’ list
The second part of the top_so() function is a standard method of creating a data.frame from a list - with an added wrinkle that here the main list, in this case ‘items’, has one of it’s values, in this case, ‘owner’ also being a list
Tabular Output
The output is a swiftly-delivered searchable, sortable table.
The two points of interest in the code is the creation of a question variable, which links to the appropriate SO page and the use of the anydate() function from the anytime package to convert the numeric return to the appropriate date
output$table <- renderDataTable({
#All dates in the API are in unix epoch time, which is the number of seconds since midnight UTC January 1st, 1970.
query() %>%
mutate(question = paste0("<a href=", link, "\" target=\"_blank\">", title, "</a>")) %>%
mutate(created=anydate(creation_date)) %>%
select(question,answered=is_answered,views=view_count,answers=answer_count,score,asker=owner_display_name,created) %>%
class = 'compact stripe hover row-border order-column',
rownames = FALSE,
escape = FALSE,
options = list(
paging = TRUE,
searching = TRUE,
info = FALSE
This is the link to the finished app